I set the over/for applause breaks at 24. I took the over. It's currently 7:48pm mst. We are at 25.
Blah blah healthcare.
Pelosi needs to sit down, she stands up like every 46 seconds.
Education is awesome.
Orrin Hatch is from Utah!
7:51pm mst = 29 applause breaks.
Obama 1; Bush 0
What the hell is an earmark anyway?
Yup, he just mentioned Iraq.
Pelosi is up again. And it's not just standing up. It's like she is on a trampoline. Or think this, it's like she is the teacher and just sat on a thumb tack.
Blah blah, tax cuts, blah blah.
I am tired of American Flag Pins as an institution.
Iraq count: 2
It's nice to see a president who can pronounce Middle Eastern countries correctly.
Obligatory "We support the troops" drop
The MSNBC audience reaction thing is going to blow up.
Blah, blah terrorism
WOW! EQUIVOCATION! HE SAID EQUIVOCATION! that is a 12 letter word, 12!
Blah blah, hope, blah blah inspiration, blah blah banking guy who gave away his money.
Who cares about Greenville, TX? Oh, wait, it's an inspirational story.
Obscure town reference 2: Dylan, SC
Who actually wants to become a lawyer or a doctor? Is that still a thing?
Michelle is hugging that girl.
God Bless America.
Applause Breaks final: 39
Now he is trying to get out of the chambers, what an uphill battle.
How many handshakes do you think had tonight? I guess 3424
Now he is signing autographs.
Do you think Michelle and Barack can get a celebrity couple name like Brangelina, or Tomkat? Barchelle? Michack? I could see this catching on.
I like that the camera is still rolling in the chambers. There are like 12 people left. Is that interesting?
Oh wait now they cut to Baton Rouge.
Governer Jindal's response.
Could this guy get any more cheesy? I think I watched him on a PBS kids special once.
Do you think he really is excited by supermarkets?
You totally care what party your constituants are, you wouldn't be there if they weren't Republican.
Story time.
What an awful story.
This is the best the GOP has to offer?
Trillion... trillion... where have I heard that number before, oh wait, the Iraq war.
Yeah let's not monitor volcanoes, science is over rated. So is the safety for the people who live by volcanoes.
Isn't Louisiana like the most corrupt state in the country?
Oh wait, they passed some of the strongest ethics laws in the country. Way to nip my question in the bud.
There he goes with that trillion again.
And now he is talking about the troops, you can't write this stuff.
Michael Phelps is in hot water because he smoked marijuana. He has been suspended, he has been dropped as a sponsor from Kellogg, and he might even get arrested. I have a novel question, who cares? Look, this guy is the best Olympic swimmer ever; he is the best Olympic athlete of a generation, and arguably the best Olympic athlete ever. You honestly care that he smoked weed? Like seriously, honestly? It makes me angry. He is a freaking American icon. You loved him when he was racking up hardware in Beijing and now he smokes a little weed and he is getting dropped kicked? He is freaking 23 years old; he has been swimming at an Olympic level since he was 15. Fifteen. First off, isn't he allowed to screw up? He is a kid who didn't get a chance to be a kid.
Here's another news flash: kids smoke weed. He is just doing what every other 23 year old is doing.
And second of all, did he even screw up? Last time I checked, the Olympics are an international event. Look here. That is like half of the freaking world where cannabis is legal or decriminalized. Smoking marijuana is no worse for anybody than smoking tobacco. Everyone has heard that argument. Don't get me started on drug liberalization. (I will rant about that later). But I mean it’s not a big deal, it really isn't. Phelps got lit. Who cares? The only argument I really buy is the de facto illegality of it. He broke the law in South Carolina. Okay, you got me there, but honestly how many people smoke weed in SC, Wikipedia says there is 4,479,800 people in South Carolina. What's the over/under on how many people smoke pot? 500,000? I would take the over in about 4 seconds. Not to mention he was at a party at the University of South Carolina. A freaking house party on a college campus. Yeah no one ever smokes weed there.
His DUI was 764 times worse and who talked about that during the Olympics in China? No one. Oh wait he was winning gold medals in China.
And Kellogg? Seriously Kellogg? His image is so tarnished that he can't hock your Corn Flakes any more? Who is going to go to the grocery store, pick up a box of cereal with the intent to drop it the cart, look at Phelp's noggin on the box and say to themselves, "Wait he smoked marijuana, I better put this back." It makes me sick. Oh and by the way Kellogg, stoners love Frosted Flakes and Eggo waffles, so I would actually run with this.
Here is to not caring if Michael Phelps or anyone else goes to a party, gets lit, and has a good time.