Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Letter to Governor Herbert

Please email Governor Herbert at

I have provided a template which you can use here.

Just cut and paste and fill in your own information


Dear Governor Herbert,

I am writing to ask you to please reconsider your stance on Utah Senate bill SB314 sponsored by Sen. John Valentine R-Orem. This bill is damaging to the economy of the great state of Utah. It hurts local businesses' ability to attract customers by not allowing them the freedom to set prices at their discretion and goes against the logic and fabric of Utah being one of the most business friendly states in the country. Taking away an entire sector of business’s rights is counterintuitive and is bad for the state.

Furthermore the closure of Utah state liquor stores is again damaging to the people of Utah who use these services, the employees at these stores who would be put out of work, and the profit that these stores make that is funneled back into government services for its citizens. Every store that is threatening to be closed is very lucrative and very profitable and very widely used, meaning that their closures are destructive for both the government and its constituents.

I thank you for your time and ask that you reconsider your signing of this bill for the good of the state of Utah and its population.




{address, optional}

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